Chronic pain is one of the most distressing conditions one can experience, yet medical interventions are limited. Psychological techniques help patients control and cope with pain. They can reduce pain signals in the body and brain, and reduce symptom severity.
Stuart is at the forefront of latest developments in pain. His research on pain neuroscience has been published worldwide (e.g. Cathcart 2009; Cathcart et al 2010; Flood et al 2016), including conducting the worlds first randomized controlled trial of Brief Mindfulness-Based Therapy for chronic headache (Cathcart et al 2014).
Pain conditions we treat include:
- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
- Back & Neck pain
- Arthritis
- Phantom Limb pain
- Headache
- Post surgical pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Pain from injury
- Central and Neuroplastic pain
- Neuropathic pains and Neuralgias
Pain Treatment and Management may include:
- Developing techniques for reducing pain sensitivity and central sensitization
- Altering pain signal interpretation and physical and psychological response
- Graded Motor Imagery (Laterality Reconstruction, Motor Imagery, Mirror Therapy)
- Relaxation training
- Behavioural Activation and Activity Scheduling
- Pain Reprocessing
- Somatic tracking
- Muscle relaxation
- Controlled breathing
- Stress management
- Mindfulness & Meditation training
- Strategies for reducing effects of pain on mood, sleep, attention, study, work, etc
- Assessment and modification of cognitive and behavioural coping styles
- Interpersonal and communication skills (e.g. for dealing with friends, family, and health care practitioners when you are in pain)